Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Sunday: Sheep's Milk Yogurt Pancakes

Thanks to little k, I've been cooking a little bit more since she started solid foods (where does the time go? she's growing so quickly). She doesn't eat enough quantity wise to use up, say, a whole sweet potato, so we will use the leftovers. It has forced me to go to the market more often, and I usually just buy whatever looks good, is organic, local and seasonal. She's also starting to eat some finger foods so I keep that in mind when making our meal, to have a portion that is unseasoned that I can give to her. I think she enjoys eating the same thing that we eat, and we try to eat our meals at the same time, plus it keeps her occupied while we enjoy our meal. Last night, we made a roasted sweet potato, garlic, red onion, kale whole wheat pizza, and she had baked sweet potato fries, yellow squash and a little pizza crust for dinner. This morning, she had sheeps milk yogurt with bananas and blueberries for breakfast, so I used the remainder of the sheeps milk yogurt for whole wheat blueberry pancakes (she had a little pancake as well which she liked). We are starting with sheeps milk yogurt for now, as sheeps milk is supposedly more similar to human milk. I have to admit, I find it a little gross, its quite sour, and I couldn't even stomach it mixed with fruit (luckily she ate it), so it was perfect used up in the pancakes.

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